
Thursday, April 24, 2014

LeaderTask Company Management System Review

LeaderTask Company Management Systems Check


Modern business is dynamic. Company management is a prerogative of people who are able to quickly make correct decisions and are able to bear responsibility for the team. The ideal Leader is the person who clearly distributes the powers and at the same time holds finger on the pulse keeping all the processes in the company both external and internal under control. It is interesting, fascinating and extremely difficult.

But if there is a demand there will be supply: leading business solution for managers Ц Company Management Systems Ц LeaderTask.

LeaderTask Company Management Systems

You are certainly familiar with modern, convenient and effective electronic organizer CRM LeaderTask.

Now the Company Management Systems is released on its basis, however it is equipped with additional advanced services. First of all a multi-user operating system (Task Management Systems) was realized. ThatТs why besides the main services such as:

  • Task Planner;
  • Personal Information Manager;
  • Calendar;
  • Project Manager;
  • Contact Manager

LeaderTask Company Management Systems affords an opportunity for creating a single information base. At that you will be able to competently distribute tasks among the employees and monitor their progress. Using LeaderTask Company Management Systems you will also be able to:

Organize paper and electronic documents;

  • Organize paper and electronic documents;
  • Correctly plan negotiations, deals, long-term and current projects;
  • Organize effective joint cooperation;
  • Limit the employeesТ access to any documents;
  • Assign any task to a certain executor specifying task duration and priorities;
  • Carry out detailed monitoring at any point;
  • Assess every employeeТs quality of work in a moment;
  • Receive regular and detailed report on current and performed works;
  • Receive complete review of companyТs activity even in case you are absent.

Besides that the LeaderTask Company Management Systems is absolutely mobile like the business organizer. All settings are stored only in one folder without affecting OS and other catalogues. ThatТs why the program can be easily and conveniently transported using a usual flash memory card and transferred from one computer to another. And the synchronization function allows a single LeaderTask base to be used in several places at once.

Multi-User Task Management Systems

In order to start work it is required to install LeaderTask Company Management Program on computers of all employees and to specify the server address. In its turn the server will find all clients and will customize required settings by itself. New employees can be connected to the server when necessary. This will enable them to quickly get into the swing of things and start to work. If your server is unavailable for technical or any other reasons the subordinates will be able to successfully get on with their work offline.

Work Start

In order to start letТs familiarize ourselves with the program interface. Tabs of main group toolbars are located to the left in the sidebar. The titles are displayed in them and the main part of the desktop displays their detailed interpretation. For example, the period with the current calendar is displayed to the left and to the right the detailed list of tasks for that period is displayed.

The principle of operation is similar to that of the LeaderTask business organizer you can also create tasks by grouping them by projects. Being in the main informational panel you can switch between contacts, categories, projects and calendar, however unlike the organizer a new лEmployees¬ tab was added to the program. By clicking this tab you will see a list of all employees connected to the server. By selecting somebody from the list you will receive a status report of the selected employee with task priority, task duration and task deadlines on the right.

Formation of the list of employees is similar to filling in the contacts. But at that the subordinates are given the opportunity to fill in their own profile with analytical data, contact phone number, position and other data by themselves. Employees who are connected to the server mark their own profile with лFavorite¬ from their computer and form a list of personal contacts by themselves.


Like in the organizer the main function of filters in this system is the provision of a simple and effective tool on company activity review. They help to effectively manage tasks, instantly receive the required information and detailed review of cases by any selected criterion.

If desired, the filter can be created by several conditions. The following conditions can be selected: employees, projects, categories, contacts with specification of exact time. The selected filter can be added to tabs, to navigator panel or can be made available in the toolbar quick menu.

Filtering in the calendar is set in several ways:

  • floating: length of time as well as its allowable shift should be specified;
  • stringent: tight timeframe should be specified;
  • terminal: time interval as well as possible shifts and filter operating period inside it should be specified.

Unified Information Field

CRM Project Management

On request the possibility of transfer of your contacts, various notes, files and tasks to other connected employees was realized. At that all related documents can be attached to the transmitted information. For example, by transferring a task to another employee you can attach the accumulated material, necessary contacts, personal comments and notes to it at ones. Thus, a single information base that includes official documents, a list of all correspondents with comments and detailed information is created. However, only the system owner has full access to it. Besides that the possibility of communicating on the internal network messenger was realized that also promotes cooperation and effective work of all employees.

Delegation of Tasks

Undoubtedly, the most important function of LeaderTask Company Management Systems is the possibility of assignment and distribution of tasks. For example, the Leader creates the лOpening of new office¬ project, accompanies it by personal comments, sets deadlines and selects his/her Associate Leader as executor. In its turn the Associate Leader divides the project into several tasks, for example: лSelection of suitable premises¬, лRecruitment¬, лBudget¬ and delegates every task to certain employees, лBudget¬ - to Chief Accountant, лRecruitment¬ - to Office Manager, лSelection of suitable premises¬ - to Manager. And they in their turn make a detailed plan and redelegate part of the work to other colleagues. For example, the Office Manager finds a suitable recruiting agency and creates the лLook through a standard form contract¬ subtask and delegates it together with the task deadlines to the Lawyer. Then having signed the prepared contract with the recruiting agency and having selected the correct candidates the Office Manager coordinates the interview time with the Leader, so the лInterview¬ subtask is transferred directly to him/her. The calendar and automatic reminder wonТt let the project participants forget to perform any tasks and at the same time every participant is given the opportunity of direct monitoring of the ongoing work. And the Leader by selecting the лOpening of new office¬ project will be able to visually see the current task status, task executors as well as to look through the archive of the work performed on the project.

Access Restriction

No less important an option that allows to distribute activities between employees. So the participant has the right to view only the projects that are assigned to him/her or those created by himself/herself. Only the direct owner of LeaderTask has complete control over the whole company activity. Thereby the possibility of intrigues of competitors and leakage of valuable information is ruled out.

Organize paper and electronic documents;

Assessment of Every EmployeeТs Quality of Work

By selecting any employee from the menu you automatically receive extensive information on the selected employee. That is a list of cases, current projects and tasks, an archive of all works performed and your own comments concerning his/her activity. Using the calendar you can trace the punctuality of task performance or to whom it was delegated. All this gives a wonderful opportunity to instantly assess the quality and successfulness of the employeeТs work.

Ideal Archive

LeaderTask Company Management Systems is equipped with the function of automatic creation of backup copies of files during work. So you shouldnТt worry about the loss of important information. Besides that the system keeps absolutely all history of relationships between employees, clients and partners. It stores complete project management history, assigned tasks performance history as well as message handling history. Thus, the system is an ideal archive. By selecting any period of time in the past you will see a detailed situation with all projects, delegated tasks, messages and contacts for the selected period of time.

Summing Up

LeaderTask Company Management Systems is a useful and multifunctional assistant using which you can organize the effective and well coordinated work of all employees, correctly distribute tasks and have complete control over the whole company activity.

The program by itself amazes by the abundance of thought-out and rather useful trifles. Of course, they do not complicate the interface at all, however the surprising flexibility and the possibility to adapt the program to absolutely any even to a force majeure situation wins over.

Work with the program will become much easier for you if you have already used the LeaderTask organizer, but even if it is not so the time you have spent to master the Company Management system will be more than compensated later on.

More information on the program can be found at the developersТ website: LeaderTask company management system

Download free 45 day program version:

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